Thursday, September 19, 2013

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 describes web sites that use technology beyond the static pages of earlier web sites. The term was coined in 1999 by Darcy DiNucci

The distinctions between Web1.0 and Web 2.0 are the accessability and edibility for all.

Web 1.0 - Only editable by a certain small group of people
Web 2.0 - Editable by all,however only a small number actually edit

An example of Web 2.0 is the same information (this post) shared over multiple sites

Source - Britannica Online, Wikipedia

Monday, September 9, 2013

Internet Graphics

There are 3 types of image files that work in HTML.  These are JPEGs, PNGs and GIFs (according to the creator, pronounced 'jif").

  • Joint Photographic Experts Group
  • High compression
  • Lossy
  • No animation
  • No transparancy
  • Main Advantage - Mostly for photographs and realistic images
  • Main Disadvantage - Lossy compression
  • Portable Network Graphic
  • Supports transparancy
  • No loss compression
  • No animation
  • Main Advantage - Mostly for straight lines, text heavy images and few colours
  • Main Disadvantage - Large filesize
  • Graphics Interchange Format
  • Supports transparency
  • No loss compression
  • Supports animation
  • Main Advantage - For moving pictures
  • Main Disadvantage - Only 8bit colour palette