Monday, September 9, 2013

Internet Graphics

There are 3 types of image files that work in HTML.  These are JPEGs, PNGs and GIFs (according to the creator, pronounced 'jif").

  • Joint Photographic Experts Group
  • High compression
  • Lossy
  • No animation
  • No transparancy
  • Main Advantage - Mostly for photographs and realistic images
  • Main Disadvantage - Lossy compression
  • Portable Network Graphic
  • Supports transparancy
  • No loss compression
  • No animation
  • Main Advantage - Mostly for straight lines, text heavy images and few colours
  • Main Disadvantage - Large filesize
  • Graphics Interchange Format
  • Supports transparency
  • No loss compression
  • Supports animation
  • Main Advantage - For moving pictures
  • Main Disadvantage - Only 8bit colour palette

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